
All the information about this website.

Website owner:

Tschurtschenthaler Turbinenbau GmbH
Sonnwendweg, 19, I-39030 Sexten – Südtirol
Tax and VAT ID No: IT 03164140216
SDI-Code: 0000000

Tel: +39 0474 710502


Responsible for design and development:

Imagine GmbH
Zum Hohen Kreuz 8
I-39030 Percha (BZ)
Tel. +39 0474 402 333


Content / Links:

Imagine GmbH has no influence on the graphic content and programming of the pages linked to this website. For this reason, Imagine GmbH does not accept any responsibility or guarantee for the content, completeness or correctness of the texts of the linked pages. This website may contain pages and sections that can be modified by the owner through the CMS (Content Management System) or other systems, therefore Imagine GmbH is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content.


Mandatory information according to EU Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council:

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform for consumer disputes to the European Commission:


Submitting data / Privacy:
Privacy Policy >



The texts on the current website were written by:
Tschurtschenthaler Turbinenbau
Imagine GmbH


Photographic material:

The photos on the current website were taken by:
Tschurtschenthaler Turbinenbau
Imagine GmbH
Daniel Demichiel


Public body: Autonomous Province of Bolzano: Amount: €10,457.72; Date of payment: 25 October 2024
Intended use: Payment of aid under Provincial Law No 14 of 13 December 2006, as amended