E-Werk Graf Konsortial GmbH
Turbine type 2 Francis turbines
Nominal power 2x 588 kW
Drop height 22.66 m
Flow rate 6,000 l/s
Speed 500 rpm

E-Werk Graf an der Rienz

Project general information

The water intake of the Graf power plant is located below the confluence of the Rienz and Pragser brooks at 1,112 m above sea level. It has a lateral intake, three sand traps and a fine screen. A fish ladder and automatic sensors ensure environmental protection and compliance with residual flow regulations. The water flows through a 1.56 km long pressure pipe with a diameter of 2.4 m and overcomes a height difference of 22.66 m. The GRP pipes are partly buried and, in the area of the Rienz, encased in concrete.

Two Francis turbines, each with a capacity of 3,000 l/s and a total output of 1,100 kW, are installed in the powerhouse. The electricity generated (6.7 million kWh per year) is fed into the medium voltage grid. The powerhouse consists of a machine room, transformer room, meter room and offices. The water is fed into the Welsberger Wiere powerhouse at atmospheric pressure. A bypass system ensures operation in the event of a fault. An overflow into the River Rienz allows direct water discharge.

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